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About 'doctor of psychology degree programs'|What Kind of "Doctor" is Marcus Bachmann

About 'doctor of psychology degree programs'|What Kind of "Doctor" is Marcus Bachmann

Midwestern               United               States               Several               schools               in               the               Midwestern               United               States               offer               American               Psychological               Association-accredited               counseling               psychology               programs.

The               University               of               Akron               in               Ohio,               Ball               State               University               and               the               University               of               Notre               Dame--both               in               Indiana--all               offer               the               Doctor               of               Philosophy               degree               in               counseling               psychology.

The               University               of               St.

Thomas               in               Minnesota               offers               the               Doctor               of               Psychology               degree.

The               University               of               Akron               has               two               programs               for               counseling               psychology               graduates,               both               of               which               train               students               in               a               generalist               approach               to               counseling               psychology.

However,               the               University               of               Akron's               Collaborative               Program               in               Counseling               Psychology               gives               students               the               opportunity               to               receive               more               hands-on               experience               since               it               uses               an               "apprenticeship"               model.
               University               of               Notre               Dame's               counseling               psychology               program               is               geared               more               toward               individuals               who               want               to               follow               academic               and               research               careers.

This               program               does               provide               foundations               in               assessing               psychological               disorders               and               devising               treatment               programs.
               The               Universities               of               St.

Thomas               in               Minnesota               and               Ball               State               in               Indiana               both               prepare               students               for               careers               as               counseling               psychologists.

The               University               of               St.

Thomas               offers               the               Master               of               Arts               (M.A.)               degree               in               counseling               psychology,               which               prepares               individuals               for               licensure               in               the               state               of               Minnesota               as               a               licensed               professional               counselor               (LPC).

The               school               also               has               a               Doctor               of               Psychology               degree               program               and               students               are               expected               to               hold               a               master's               degree               before               applying.
               Ball               State's               counseling               psychology               program               allows               students               to               choose               a               major               area               of               focus               so               that               students               can               develop               an               expertise               in               a               certain               area.

Major               areas               of               focus               include               couple               and               family               counseling,               neuropsychology               and               school               counseling.
               Southern               United               States
               The               University               of               Florida's               APA-accredited               counseling               psychology               program               uses               a               generalist,               scientist-practitioner               model               rooted               in               theories               of               human               development               across               the               lifespan.

Students               choose               a               minor               area               that               complements               the               counseling               focus,               such               as               in               crisis               intervention,               assessment,               marriage               and               family               therapy,               health               psychology               or               substance               abuse.

Graduate               students               here               receive               tuition               waivers               and               stipends               with               graduate               teaching               and               research               assistant               positions.
               Auburn               University               in               Alabama               admits               students               with               both               bachelor's               and               master's               degrees,               though               students               who               enter               with               a               bachelor's               degree               do               not               receive               the               master's               en               route               to               the               doctoral               degree.

Auburn's               APA-accredited               program               consists               of               core               coursework               in               general               psychology,               counseling               psychology               and               research.

The               University               allows               students               to               informally               "tailor"               their               training               to               be               more               practitioner-oriented               or               scientist-oriented.
               The               University               of               Georgia's               counseling               psychology               program               requires               coursework               and               training               in               five               major               areas:               clinical               practice,               counseling               psychology               foundations,               supervision               and               instruction,               research               design               and               analysis               and               general               psychology.

The               program               has               a               spotlight               focus               on               multicultural               and               diversity               issues.
               Georgia               State               University's               graduate               program               can               be               completed               in               four               years               of               study,               but               many               students               take               longer.

At               GSU,               students               choose               a               major               area               of               focus,               such               as               health               psychology,               geriatric               psychology,               psychotherapy               and               clinical               assessment.

Students               at               Georgia               State               have               "unique"               training               opportunities,               such               as               the               opportunity               to               take               seminars               in               "hot"               topics               like               traumatology,               consciousness               and               adventure               therapy.
               West               Coast
               Colorado               State               University's               APA-accredited               Doctor               of               Philosophy               program               trains               students               to               be               proficient               in               the               use               of               counseling               and               clinical               techniques.

Students               choose               an               area               of               specialization               during               their               training;               available               areas               include               a               child,               adult               or               family               therapy               emphasis.

Students               begin               clinical               practicum               courses               during               the               first               year               and               begin               to               develop               skills               in               interviewing               clients.

Colorado               State's               counseling               psychology               program               emphasizes               human               development               as               well               as               concern               for               the               human               condition.
               University               of               Denver's               APA-accredited               doctoral               program               is               "highly               selective"               according               to               the               program's               website.

The               school               trains               students               to               work               with               diverse               client               populations               and               allows               students               to               pursue               individual               interests               through               areas               of               specialization               and               electives.

Specializations               students               can               choose               from               include               health               psychology,               adolescent               and               adult               development,               and               applications               of               psychology               to               business.
               New               Mexico               State               University's               APA-accredited               doctoral               program               is               housed               in               the               school's               College               of               Education.

Students               complete               a               clinical               practicum               course               each               semester               throughout               the               four-year               training               program               and               a               focus               is               on               developing               competencies               to               treat               and               work               with               culturally-diverse               clients.

A               few               major               content               areas               in               which               students               gain               knowledge               and               skills               include               diagnosis               and               treatment               planning,               child               and               adolescent               counseling,               addictions               counseling               and               vocational               counseling.

New               Mexico               State               stresses               the               APA               code               of               ethics               throughout               the               program.
               Resources               for               More               Information:               
               American               Psychological               Association:               Accredited               Programs               in               Counseling               Psychology

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